Manufacturer’s recommendation for the period of use of portable fire extinguishers from Feuerschutz Jockel
Portable fire extinguishers that are built according to the current state of the art and are serviced and maintained in accordance with the applicable standards are generally to be seen as long-lasting economic products.
Nevertheless, these products are also subject to possible material-related aging, depending on the conditions of use, both with regard to the pressure-bearing equipment parts, the container and the extinguishing agent.
The maximum replacement periods to be observed for the extinguishing agent are described in the maintenance instructions, the service life of the fire extinguisher is broken down as follows:
- Continuous pressure devices: powder, water, foam: 20 years
- Chargers: powder, water, foam: 25 years
- Gas extinguisher: carbon dioxide: 25 years
Since this maximum period of use depends to a large extent on the conditions of use, the prescribed maintenance in accordance with DIN 14406 T-4 and our instructions must be carried out by a verifiably trained expert in accordance with DIN 14406 T-4. Likewise, the prescribed tests according to §16 and Annex 2 Section 4 of the Operational Safety Ordinance must be verified by a person qualified to carry out the test or an approved monitoring body (ZÜS).
A required risk analysis by the operator, taking into account the conditions of use, for operation beyond this period would be economically disproportionate to the new purchase of a current device.
Therefore, as the manufacturer of the devices, we will also provide the necessary maintenance instructions and approved spare parts max. for this period of 20 or 25 years.
* Special information on Milieukeur extinguishers: As with all premix foams, the maximum replacement period for fire extinguishing agents (depending on national rules and regulations) from Milliieukeur approved fire extinguishers is 6 years. Refilling and disposal must always be carried out by authorized specialist companies.
** Maintenance intervals are not prescribed for the private use of fire extinguishers, as there are no regulations here. Since fire extinguishers are a safety product, they are also considered useful here and should therefore be observed.